We are a life sciences statistical and data analytics consultancy
Statisticians in our business specialise in data analytics for Bioscience, Pharmaceutical, and Psychometrics. Our staff have worked in corporate pharmaceuticals, CROs and Universities. They have a deep practical biopharmaceutical knowledge, understand scientific and commercial issues and between them have many years statistical consulting and data analytics experience.
We use this expertise and 'know how' to help our clients meet scientific and commercial challenges and extract maximum information from their data assets. Everything we do at Inferstats is designed to create value for our clients. We understand the importance of quality, reliability and trust. These are fundamental core values that underpin all our interactions.
We work globally from our Biohub base in Cheshire (UK) and can support your work remotely via teleconference, Skype and email.
We can also work with you at your home site or at our UK Office base where we have excellent meeting facilities